Klinische Studien
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In vitro
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Ehrhardt, C., Hrincius, E. R., Korte, V., Mazur, I., Droebner, K., et al.: A polyphenol rich plant extract, CYSTUS052, exerts anti influenza virus activity in cell culture without toxic side effects or the tendency to induce viral resistance. Antiviral research 2007;76(1), 38-47
Esaulkova Ya.L., Muryleva A.A., Sinegubova E.O., Belyaevskaya S.V., Garshinina A.V., Kireeva M.A., Volobueva A.S., Slita A.V., Kadyrova R.A., Zarubaev V.V.: Mechanisms of antiviral activity of Cistus Salviifolius extract against human respiratory viruses. Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiya 2020;65(7-8):8-17
Gaweł-Bęben, K., Kukula-Koch, W., Hoian, U., Czop, M.: Characterization of Cistus × incanus L. and Cistus ladanifer L. Extracts as Potential Multifunctional Antioxidant Ingredients for Skin Protecting Cosmetics. Antioxidants 2020;9(3):202
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Übersichtsarbeiten/ Literatur
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